The Pros and Cons of Counting Macros

If you’ve been reading up on how to lose weight, you’ve probably heard about the concept of counting macros. From blogs to social media, there is no shortage of information out there for or against using this method to lose fat or gain muscle. So, what is the reality? Does counting macros help you or hurt you?

 In this blog, we’ll take a look at the pros and cons of counting macros.

What Exactly Is a Macro and Why Does It Matter?

First things first. What is a macro? The term macro refers to macronutrients, which are the main nutrients contained in our food – fat, carbohydrates, and protein. The idea behind counting macros is that eating these nutrients in a certain ratio may help you change your body composition by gaining or losing weight.

Pros of Counting Macros

There are some good things that come from counting macros. 

Balancing Your Diet

When you set and track a certain amount of carbs, protein, and fat to consume, you know that your body is getting the right amount of each macronutrient to support essential bodily functions. When you aren’t counting macros, you may be eating too much of one and not enough of another. 

Right-Sized Portions

In order to successfully count macros, you will need to measure out your food for proper serving sizes. This helps keep you aware of what an exact serving size looks like. Being mindful of your food consumption is always beneficial when you are trying to modify your diet.

Allows Diet Flexibility

Most people who count macros use the principle “If It Fits Your Macros,” or IIFYM. This means that if a food fits within your macros, it is never off limits. It doesn’t matter where your carbs, fats, or proteins are coming from as long as your total grams add up at the end of the day. 

Cons of Counting Macros

While there are pros to counting macros, there are also some cons.

Doesn’t Consider Food Quality

When you allow yourself to eat anything as long as it fits in your macros, you aren’t considering the quality of food you put in your body. Fast food or high-sugar foods may fit within your macros but may not be the best thing to nourish your body.

May Create Excessively Strict Habits

While having more awareness about your nutrition is a good thing, constantly measuring and tracking your food can create unhealthy habits or lead to disordered eating. You may begin to feel like you can’t go out to meals in restaurants or enjoy time with friends because of how it will impact your macros.

Reduces Food Variety

People who count macros or calories may find themselves in the habit of eating the same foods over and over because it is easier to track. Reducing the variety of foods in your diet may also reduce the other vitamins and minerals you consume.

Try Nutrition Counseling

If you are wondering if counting macros is right for you, take some time to speak with a dietitian. JJ Beasley of Craft’d Nutrition is ready to help support you in meeting your health and wellness goals through proper nutrition. To collaborate on a personalized plan,  get in touch with JJ today.